12 Week Ultrasound

Last Friday Hubby and I went to our 12 week ultrasound. At this ultrasound the babies nuchal translucency (the thickness behind the neck) was being measured to check for risk of chromosomal problems. The doctor called yesterday after reviewing our images (the ultrasound was done at a separate clinic) and said that our risk of chromosomal disorders is very low for both babies and that the risk of heart defects is low as well. Very good news!
As always, it was so exciting to see the babies. They have really grown, have little arms, legs, fingers and toes. Both were sitting in very similar positions and are measuring almost exactly the same. Baby B wasn’t nearly as active as at the last ultrasound.
I’m feeling much better than I did a few weeks ago, but I’m coming down with a cold and that is wiping me out a little bit. There has been a stomach flu going around my office, so I’m just hoping I can escape this flu season without getting a stomach bug. On the day of the ultrasound I had the worst headache I’ve probably ever had, I really didn’t want to take anything for it, but finally had to take a Tylenol after suffering with a pounding headache since I had woken up.
I’ll be heading back to see my OB again tomorrow, I’m hoping to get more information on my calorie and protein intake (a friend of mine who had twins was told to consume 160 g of protein every day!) and also when our next ultrasound will be. Both Hubby and I are anxious to find out the genders of the little ones.

Hubby had an awesome trip to New Jersey for the Super Bowl and the Seahawks are bringing home the Lombardi trophy!!! The city has gone wild. Work has been very quiet so far this week, I think people were hungover from celebrating on Sunday and today is the victory parade in downtown Seattle, so more cancellations have come up. Today is a big day at the office-it is my 1st Anniversary of purchasing this dental practice! It’s hard to believe a year has gone by already!

Here are some pics of the little ones:

Baby A


Baby B


Baby A & B, Ultrasound tech said this will be the last time we’ll be able to see them together in the same image, they will be getting too big soon.


30 thoughts on “12 Week Ultrasound

  1. Reading your updates seriously make me happy! So encouraging and wonderful to see you babies progressing and growing! On Feb 5, 2014 8:35 AM, “hopefulandhungry” wrote:

    > hopefulandhungry posted: “Last Friday Hubby and I went to our 12 week > ultrasound. At this ultrasound the babies nuchal translucency (the > thickness behind the neck) was being measured to check for risk of > chromosomal problems. The doctor called yesterday after reviewing our > image”

  2. Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since you bought the practice… time flies! I actually have a good friend out in Seattle… he is the Physical Therapist for the Seattle Seahawks. His wife was my bridesmaid. While the game was less than interesting, just barely over down right boring, we were excited for Seahawks win!

    Babies are looking awesome! I can already tell that this pregnancy is going to fly by! Glad you’re feeling better so you can actually enjoy some of it! Happy, happy, happy for you!

    • Yes, time really does fly, hard to believe it’s been a year with the practice. That’s so cool that your friend is a PT for the Seahawks, the city is absolutely nuts today!
      I have a feeling the arrival of the babies will be here before we know it, trying to enjoy this time. Thank you for your support! xoxo

  3. So exciting! Indeed, hard to believe how much time has passed….So many accomplishments and much to be happy for! You deserve it. 🙂 Hope you’re feeling better.

  4. Getting caught up on my blog reading … I LOVE the images of the kiddos all snuggled up inside of you! They look great–and what a relief to get the happy results of your NT scan. Hope you’re able to beat the cold soon!

  5. I know you don’t want to be too “wired” but sometimes when I have a bad headache like that, even just half a can of Coke helps! I think it’s even better for you poured over ice cream! 🙂
    so fun to see the kiddos in their bunks! maybe a glimpse into the future!

  6. Wow I am so so happy for you! I took a year off of TTC and came back.. going through the blogs I used to follow and LOVE seeing all the baby news 🙂 Going through my first round of IVF now. Fingers Crossed and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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